Production of Marble And Granite

The production of Marble and Granite is a very long process. It involves different steps, processes, and techniques in order to achieve perfect finishing and quality. But mainly the production involves the following steps.

Quarrying of Stones

Rocks and stones generally found in the form of natural rock masses or layers on the surface. The process of extraction of suitable stones from their natural rock beds or layers is commonly called ‘Quarrying of Stones’. We have many Rock Deposits or Rock Mines of White Marble, Green Marble, and many more from where we extract the Marble Blocks or Granite Blocks. Mining marble blocks from the wall of the quarry starts with a “bench wall.” The bench wall is a large section of marble along a vertical wall that is cut with diamond cables, drills, and torches.

Classification and Categorization 

The Next process involves further processing to match their intended purpose. From the quarry and until they are loaded onto containers ready for shipment, marble slabs go through different transformation phases. Once each block is extracted from the quarry, these are classified based on certain quality criteria, such as Block size, Tones, Amount of streaks, Cleanliness, Cracks. Due to their large dimensions and heavyweight, the blocks need to be moved and handled with cranes and specific machines, both during loading/unloading and during processing.


Slab Or Block Cutting

Marble slabs for construction or sculpture are cut using diamond wires or a gang saw, which uses multiple diamond-tipped blades to slice a marble block into more manageable slabs. Marble is cut using multiwire or block cutters. Depending on their dimensions, blocks may be cut using different methods, i.e., large blocks will be processed in the multi wire cutter, while smaller, irregular blocks will be cut using block cutters. The aim is to make the most of the block’s measurements by reducing any waste as much as possible.

Fabrication & Polishing Of Slabs

Slabs are taken to the production line for further processing. The marble is subject to an abrasion process in order to change its appearance and to produce different finishes This Involves Polishing, Honing, Ageing, Bush hammering, Sanding, Split face. And this would be the very last stage in the marble preparation process in the case of slabs that are ready for sale. Otherwise, the slabs would be subject to further cutting and finishing procedures.

Slabs ready for Shipment 

Once the corresponding finish has been applied, the slabs will be ready for display or will go directly to packaging ready for shipment. If the marble slabs are being shipped abroad, a series of wooden bundles will be prepared in order to introduce them into containers. While if your slabs are being shipped within India, these are transported using iron a frames to hold them in place. Tiles, on the other hand, are packed in wooden boxes for transportation.

Installation of Stone

This is the last step in the process of production of the stone slab this step involves the application or installation of the marble and granite. Floors, bathroom tiles, and kitchen backsplashes have long been clad in marvelous marble finishes. Marble flooring is known for its superior, decent, and decorative occurrence. It is considered a style symbol and also long-lasting. The marble floor is very easy to maintain and only requires occasional sweeping and polishing.